As of April 2023, the average gross Bulgarian salary per month is 2500 BGN / 1250 EUR /. The minimum salary is 780 BGN monthly. The salaries are lower than in many European countries. However, the lower cost of living and rentals, together with the low income tax are the main advantages in the country, attracting a lot of foreigners and allowing anybody to invest more in their own well-being.
Most companies pay employees monthly. The exact salary amount and payday are part of the Labour Agreement.
Employers will ask for a local bank account in order to have the salary processed by payroll.
There are a few types of Labour Agreements. The most commonly used is the Employment Contract with the following mandatory elements: the place of work; the exact position title and the nature of work; the start date, details on the trial period, and termination rules.
Fixed-term or Civil Contract – mostly for a specific job and within a certain time frame.
Usually, there is a Probation period of 3 months, a maximum of up to 6 months, explained in detail in the Employment Contract.
In general, the notice period is 30 days unless otherwise specified.
All details on the type of contract and the exact wording should be discussed with HR and the employer prior to signing. Make sure, you read the contract very carefully.

Free time and holidays in Bulgaria
One thing is for sure, Bulgaria has a lot to offer when it comes to free time and holidays.
Are you a sports person, do you enjoy cultural events, how about traveling or just making the most of the nightlife in the city?
Young Bulgarians are very conscious about their look. Many of them visit the gym on a regular basis. Modern facilities can be found even in the small towns. It is important though to gather
information about the prices of the gyms, they vary from 6 BGN per visit up to 35 BGN. There are options to get a pass and some companies even contribute to such purchases.
Nowadays a lot of people go for a nice walk. You are in the right place for that, plenty of nice parks to find in the cities and relax after long working hours. When the evening approaches, join the Bulgarians and move to the cafes and bars, to the small taverns or restaurants. In general, there are a lot of places, where one can eat and drink, and have a good time with friends and colleagues.
Culture and different events are also part of daily life. In the big cities, there are a lot of events, concerts, opera, and ballet at surprisingly low prices.
Bulgaria has a big cultural heritage, along with splendid nature and breathtaking panoramas. When thinking of holidays, go wild, explore the sea coast, take the mountain trails or put your ski on, go fishing or golfing, and enjoy the small traditional towns and villages. It is all possible in Bulgaria!